Outside of School Sports
Touch Rugby - Term 1 and Term 4
Touch Rugby takes place during Term 1 and Term 4. Games are played on Wednesday afternoons at Fearon Park, Mt Roskill.
Year 1/ 2 and Year 3 / 4 play in mixed teams while Year 5 / 6 play in separate gender grades.
Registration takes place at the end of term 3 and term 4. Players need to be committed.
Parents are required to manage/coach teams on the game day.
This is an extracurricular activity so an additional fee is required for this sport.
Flippa Ball - All school terms - number dependent
A modified version of water polo for children at the primary school level. Children need to be confident in the water and be able to swim 25m. Flippa is open to all students in Years 3-6.
Years 3 / 4 play together and Years 5 / 6 play together. All teams are mixed-gender teams.
Registration takes place at the end of each term and players need to be committed. Games are played on a Sunday afternoon. Parents are required to manage/coach teams on the game day.
This is an extracurricular activity so an additional fee is required for this sport.
Basketball - All school terms - number dependent
Available to students in Years 3 - 6.
Year 3 and 4 games are on a Monday afternoon at Ponsonby Primary School. Teams are mixed gender
Years 5 and 6 games are on Fridays at Ponsonby Intermediate. Can have mixed teams, boys and girls teams.
Registration takes place at the end of each term and players need to be committed. Parents are required to manage/coach teams on the game day.
This is an extracurricular activity so an additional fee is required for this sport.
Netball - Term 2 and 3
Netball is open to students in Years 4-6.
Registration and team selection are in Term 1.
The netball season runs in Terms 2 and 3. MAPS enters teams in the Auckland Netball Future Fern Competitions held at Windmill Rd.
Future Fern is modified Netball encouraging participation and skill development.
Year 4 teams play in the Future Ferns 5v5 Competition on Thursday nights.
Year 5 and 6 teams play in the Future Ferns 6v6 Competition on Wednesday nights.
To run this programme successfully, parents are required to coach and manage teams.
Coaching support and guidance are offered, especially to new coaches.
Netball uniforms are provided by the school for the season. These are returned at the end of the season.
This is an extracurricular activity so an additional fee is required for this sport.
Our aim is to meet the needs of all students, no matter their ability in sport. We want to encourage participation and learning of skills, so students can explore, perform, and excel in their chosen sport(s).
During School Sports Events
Term 1 Swimming Years 5 and 6 Students are given the opportunity to attend the Eden / Albert swimming zone event. 4 Students in each year and gender can swim in the following events
This event is held at the Diocesan Aquatic Centre and requires parental support |
Touch Rugby Touch is an exciting and comprehensive game that promotes the fundamental skills of running, passing, catching, evasion, and teamwork. Our year 5 and 6 students are given the opportunity to sign up to trail for our boys and girls team to compete at the Eden/Albert Zones Touch Tournament.
Eden/Albert Cricket Zone is open to our year 5 and 6 students to trail for our Boys and Girls cricket teams. These teams will play in the Eden/Albert Zone Cricket Tournament at Cornwall Park We are responsible for helping organise this Zone Competition.
Cross Country All students participate in Cross Country events that are held on school grounds. Students will train during class time to be ready for this event. Years 1,2,3 and 4 students will take part in Fun Cross Country races. Year 4, 5 and 6, students will choose to participate in a noncompetitive or competitive race. Competitive runners in years 5 and 6 are eligible to qualify for the Eden/Albert Zone. Non-Competitive Distance: 1000 metres Competitive Distance: 2200 metres Please check our School Calendar for this year's dates. Football involves running, passing, kicking, and body contact. A football game is played between two teams of 11 players each. A team scores points by moving a ball across the other team’s goal line. The team that scores more points wins. Year 5 and 6 students are given the opportunity towards the end of Term 1 to trial for our teams that compete at the Eden/Albert Zone Football Tournament early Term 2. We are looking to enter 2 boys teams and 1 girls team. Term 3 Eden/Albert Netball Zone Competition All our Year 5 and 6 teams that play in the Windmill after-school competition are entered in the Zone Netball Competition held in Term 3. We also entered a boy's team for this event. If we need extra players for teams, we will run trials to select extra players Rugby There are three categories of weights for Rugby. These are under 40kg and under 46 kg teams and over 50kg who compete at the Eden/Albert Zone Rugby Tournament. All students are given the opportunity but we take our health and safety measures very seriously so we prefer that all students have had some tackle Rugby experience. Rippa Rugby Rippa Rugby is a non-contact game related to rugby which promotes ball handling, agility, running skills and teamwork. This option is only available for the Girls. 'Rippa’ Rugby team competes as part of the Eden/Albert Rugby Zones at Owairaka, May Road. Term 4 Softball Softball is a fun way for children to develop basic motor skills in a team environment. It is a non-contact sport so the risk of injury is low. Softball is a great way for children to experience working in a team environment. Softball is a fun game that promotes ball handling and teamwork. Year 5 and 6 students are given the opportunity in Term 4 to trial for our MAPS boys & girls teams, who compete at the Eden/Albert Zones Softball Tournament. Athletics Athletics is the name given to a group of sports that includes track and field events. Athletics events and games will include running, walking, jumping, and throwing. In Term 4, all students participate in Athletics. Classes practice at school in preparation for the School Athletics events during PE specialist time and class time. Junior Athletics: This is a fun event for our Year 1 and 2 students where they participate in sprint races, traditional events, obstacle courses, and other fun activities. Senior Athletics: Students in Years 3, 4, 5, and 6 compete at our Senior Athletic Day in a variety of events. From the Year 5-6 event, students qualify to go to the Eden/Albert Zone Athletics. We require parent help for field events and track events on the day. Eden/Albert Zone Athletics: Entry numbers are set by the Zone and are limited due to the number of schools participating in the event. Field Events:
Track Events:
Please check our school calendar for this year's dates. | ||
Registration for all Y3-6 students who are interested in playing winter Netball this season 2024. You can find more information here
Netball Fees online school Kindo Shop
Eden Albert Inter school Sports
Our school is part of the Eden Albert Cluster. The cluster normally has two or three inter school sports competitions per term for Year 5-6 students.
Parent Helpers
It is great to have parent helpers on board to help, especially with inter school competitions. If you would like to lend a hand please contact the office.
Students who arrive late to school must report to the school office before coming to class. They will be given a slip to take to their teacher.
The school learning programme starts at 9.00 am. The morning is an important part of the class learning programme where the teacher and students discuss the expectations, learning and goals for the day. It's also a time when members of the class can share news. Arriving late at school is very disruptive for your child, for the teacher and for the rest of the class.
Attendance and absences
For safety reasons it is important that parents and teachers know where children are. Please let us know when your child is absent from school or is going to be late by calling the school and following the instructions to leave a message with details of your child's name, room number and the reason for absence.
If your child/ren are going to be away from school, please do one of the following BEFORE 9.00am each morning:
● call the school (098469288), press option 1 and leave a message on the answer phone
● use the Absence submission template on the MAPS eTap School App
● send an email to reception@maps.school.nz
Please clearly state your child/ren’s name, Guardian Group and reason why they are absent.
If your child is away for more than 5 days for medical reasons, please ask your doctor for a copy of a medical certificate to pass on to the school.
Repeated absences
Research shows that students who are regularly absent from school are more likely to have gaps in their learning making it more difficult to keep up with their peers. It is important that students attend school regularly in order to maximise their learning potential.
The school is required by the Ministry of Education to monitor student attendance and where there is a pattern of repeating unexplained absence and/or lateness a Truancy Officer may be required to investigate the matter.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Bring your own device is an option (i.e. not compulsory) that allows students to have one-to-one time on a device that is set up to their specifications for their learning. This has many benefits including:
Enabling students to take increasing responsibility for their own learning
Empowering students to learn at a pace and place as well as a way which suits them
Teaching students how to discern which tool will best help with their learning
Encouraging and enabling teachers to more easily implement personalised learning
Preparing students for a future where they are likely to be working in an environment with increasing amounts of technology and IT/collaborative/cloud based tools.
You can access our BYOD policy and permission form on our SchoolDocs Policy and Procedure website.
BYOD Student Internet Agreement Years 3-6
Our classes also have an allocation of school-owned devices to ensure that all students have access to technology when they need it.
Order Stationery Online 2025
Information for 2025 will be available soon.
For simplicity we have teamed up with Schoolpacks.co.nz – you can order the correct set of school stationery for your child and have it delivered to your door. Follow these steps:
Visit schoolpacks.co.nz
Select "Mt Albert School"
Select the Year level stationery pack(s) you'd like
Add to cart and checkout – the stationery will be delivered to your home
You can also purchase a mini whiteboard ($12) and/or a school book bag ($6) from the school office if your child does not have one.
2025 full stationery lists for all year levels can be viewed here.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3/4 Year 5/6
Math Whizz Programme
All Year 2 to 6 students can use Maths Whizz. The annual subscription is partly subsidised by the school and is an additional cost. The cost is $20 and can be paid through KINDO.
Road Patrols
Patrolled school crossings are at the lights on New North Road and on Sainsbury Road near the top netball courts. They are patrolled by trained school students and supervised by Duty Teachers from 8.30–8.55am and 2.55–3.10pm.
Bikes / Scooters
Bikes and scooters may be brought to school and left in the bike racks outside/near Room 14, Room 29 and Room 34. While all standard precautions will be taken to protect them from any interference, the school accepts no responsibility for any bikes or scooters that are brought to school and recommends that students bring a lock as a precaution. Please ensure your child is fully aware of all road safety practices and wears a correctly fitted helmet.
Please advise the school office if your child needs to take any form of medication during the school day. Staff are not allowed to administer medication (including panadol or similar pain relief) without parental consent. Consent forms should be signed at the school office.
First Aid Treatment
Should your child have an accident at school our staff are trained in first aid and will attend to the problem. If a doctor is needed you will be contacted immediately. For this reason please ensure the school has your contact details and please advise us immediately if anything changes.
If your child is unwell they should not come to school. Keeping your child at home helps them to recover more quickly and also minimises the spread of illnesses to other students. Below is a guide to help identify the times when your child should stay at home.
Cold or flu symptoms | We recommend you keep your child at home especially if they are sneezing and/or coughing. | |
Vomiting and/or diarrhoea | It is important they stay away from school for at least 24 hours after the last incident. | |
Measles | At least four days from appearance of rash until recovery. | |
Chicken Pox | Stay at home until the blisters have formed dry scabs |
Keeping Safe in the Sun
We recognise the importance of protecting students, staff and visitors from the effects of UV radiation.which can lead to skin cancer in later life. Students are required to wear the school wide brimmed hat which provides protection for the face, neck and ears when they are outside or involved in outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4. Staff will enforce a 'no hat no play' procedure whereby children without hats or suitable clothing will be limited to the designated house shade area.
You can read our Sun Protection procedure in full listed under the Health and Safety Policy on our policies website.
Before and After School Care
Before School Care: 7.00am – 8.30am
After School Care: 3.00pm – 6.00pm
Y Kids Out of School Care is much more than a child-minding service. They are recreation based, and the aim is to meet the needs of children in their out of school hours in a fun, safe and learning environment. Each child is a different, unique person. While they have commonalities, their uniqueness should be embraced and fostered.
Each programme offers a variety of activities that may include arts and crafts, sports and games and some incorporate homework activities. We provide a safe environment for your child to relax in after their day at school while ensuring there are stimulating options for those still with energy.
Every child is unique; our programmes allow for the diversity in age, gender, and background of each child while encompassing the individual needs and interests. Should you have any concerns about your child, or if your child has special requirements whether dietary or other, please take the time to discuss this with your centre manager. It is important that you notify us of any information we may need to know to ascertain the suitability of our programme to meet your child’s needs and for your child to have the best experience possible.
The four values of the YMCA are Caring, Respect, Honesty, and Responsibility. They are the foundation of building strong kids, strong families, and strong communities. They are how we ‘make a difference’.
Bookings are essential as we need to know who is attending daily. All payments are made via direct debit. Please register online.

School Donations
In accordance with the Education (School Donations) Amendment Act 2019 the Mt Albert Primary Board of Trustees has chosen to receive a $150 grant per student, per year payment instead of asking parents and caregivers for donations. This grant covers all compulsory costs of schooling.
Therefore, parents will not be asked for a school donation this year.
There are areas not covered by the grant and for these, the school may ask that parents cover costs – examples include:
- school stationery
- uniform
In accordance with the Act, Mt Albert Primary retains the right to ask parents for a donation for school camps.
Finally, the PTA, as a separate fund-raising entity, will continue to hold events with a view to raising funds that benefit students and their learning at the school.
For more information read the Ministry of Education guidelines here.
School Uniform
We have a compulsory school uniform available exclusively from The Warehouse, St Lukes (located opposite Westfield St Lukes at 7 Wagener Place). It is very important that all items of your child's uniform are clearly labelled with their name in case they are lost.
Check the images to see examples of correct school uniform. You can also browse individual uniform items and prices here.
As part of keeping ourselves 'Sun Smart' and 'Sun Safe,' we have a compulsory school hat. School hats are available at The Warehouse, St Lukes.
School Shoes:
- Any shoe, sneaker or flat sandal suitable for running and playing may be worn, preferably black or navy
- No heels, jandals, gumboots, crocs, high tops, wheelies or ‘flashing light’ shoes are allowed
For students who feel the cold on their legs we ask them to wear the correct MAPS uniform track pants or dark coloured (blue/black) long socks or tights with their shorts/skorts. For warm tops students would be wearing the correct MAPS uniform Polar Fleece. They can also wear a dark blue or black long-sleeved top beneath their school shirt. Students are welcome to bring a rain jacket to wear over the top of their fleece for walking to and from school.

Parents are children's first teachers
We place a lot of value on strong and open communication with parents and believe that when parents and schools have a shared understanding of learning it increases the success and wellbeing of their children. Digital technology opportunities to be involved in your child's learning have increased, whether it's getting regular glimpses of what your child does at school through Seesaw or working alongside them at home on a shared Google doc.
We have created home learning guidelines that have recommendations around the duration and type of home learning set at different year levels. The table below summarises this or you can read the full guidelines here.
Year Level | Type of home learning | Duration |
1–2 | Reading | 10-15 mins weeknights |
3–4 | Reading, Learning times tables | 15–20 mins weeknights |
5–6 | Reading, Learning times tables. | 20 mins weeknights |
The best way to get more information about supporting your child is by talking to their teacher. You can email questions, speak informally before or after school, or set up a time to meet to discuss your child's learning and ask questions about how to support this at home. There is also a range of guidance given by the Ministry of Education and other experts: links to these external sites are given below.
General guidance from the Ministry about supporting learning at home as well as advice on homework, school holidays, and learner-led conferences can be found here
Specific information from the Ministry on how to support maths learning can be found here
Reading at Home is an information page from the National Library of NZ and has ideas and resources you can share, including downloadable brochures in a variety of languages on supporting children to become readers
Assessment and Reporting
We report to parents/whānau in a variety of ways throughout the year. There are two formal reports – a mid-year progress report and an end-of year achievement report. We also hold a number of scheduled events where students, their families and their teachers can discuss and celebrate learning. However, we are always open to talk about your child's learning at any time of the year. You can make an appointment to meet with your child's teacher whenever you want to and we very much encourage you to do so, especially if you want more certainty around how they are progressing or more information about how you can support them.
Teachers are constantly assessing students informally through observation. More formal assessment also takes place regularly throughout the year. If you have any questions please feel free to contact your child's teacher.
Parent Portal
At Mt Albert Primary School we use the @school app/Parent Portal to provide easy online access to school services, and all formal reporting. Below is the key information you will need to register for your own access to the Parent Portal and how to use the different services.
Registering for the Parent Portal
You will receive an email from Mt_Albert_School@etap.co.nz with key information and a link to access the @school app/Parent Portal. When you click the link in your email it will open a secondary window that will give you your own personalised User ID (please take note of this) and ask you to agree to the terms of service and privacy statement. Please click ‘Agree’. Once you have done this, it will take you to the login page (https://www.atschool.co.nz) and you will be emailed a temporary password.
Once you have logged in you can change your password to something of your choosing. This can be done inside the ‘Settings’ option. You are also able to customise your notifications. You will now have access to services inside the @school app/Parent portal.
Please note that once you have received your email to register for the @school app/Parent Portal the link will expire after 7 days. Following on from this you will need to send a request for a new link. This can be done by contacting: pauline@maps.school.nz
If you have not received an email please check your spam/promotions folder before contacting the school. It is important that you have the correct email address registered with the school.
Please refer to the PDF instructions below for further support in registering for your @school app/Parent Portal account.