Garden to Table
Empowering tamariki to whanake (grow), hauhake (harvest), whakarite (prepare), and whāngai (share) fresh, seasonal, and affordable kai.
The programme builds skills for life through practical, hands-on classes – not only teaching growing and cooking skills but also building awareness of individual and collective responsibility for the environment, healthy eating and community connectedness. It is an opportunity for children to get their hands dirty and learn how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal food.
At Garden to Table students spend time in a productive veggie garden and home-style kitchen every week, learning skills that will last them a lifetime and connecting the practical lessons back to curriculum outcomes. Children are encouraged to take that learning back to their family and community – growing, cooking, eating and enjoying fresh fruit and vegetables at home.
The Garden to Table programme runs two days a week on Thursday and Friday mornings with our Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 students.
GTT and Safety Legislation
As Garden to Table sessions involve hands-on cooking and gardening by the children, we need to be aware how these sessions may impact on our legal obligations. This fact sheet gives some general information on what we have considered.
We need your help to make this work.
Volunteers are an integral part of Garden to Table. Volunteers can be parents, caregivers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or next door neighbours, anyone from within our school or local community who is keen to contribute their time and enthusiasm. No special skills are needed, other than an interest in Garden to Table, and an enjoyment from working with children.
We need volunteers every Thursday and Friday morning in the hall kitchen and garden from 10-12:30 pm.
Please email Kelee Hackett at
Garden to Table Recipes to try
Every week our students gather from the garden and cook a delicious lunch in our kitchen. We encourage families to try these easy and delicious recipes at home. Happy cooking!
Tips in the Kitchen with Al Brown
Garden to Table Ambassador, well-known chef, restauranteur and food writer Al Brown, has created a range of videos outlining basic cooking techniques to help children develop their skills in the kitchen.
Below are recipes that students will or have been making each week in the Garden to Table Programme. Students harvest vegetables, herbs and fruit from the garden to cook in the kitchen and then sit down and share the meal together.